Entrance Requirements

High School Diploma GED
You must be at least a high school graduate before entering the academy. As a proof, you need to show and provide your legitimate General Educational Diploma.
Have Strong
Rainier Massage Academy helps individuals who have a strong desire. In entering the academy, having a focused goal and willingness to grow is needed.

Be of Good Moral Character
Discipline is a must in all learning aspects and working fields. Rainier Academy offers quality and professional training and promotes a safe and comfortable learning environment for everyone.
Class Schedule
Business Hours
Monday through Thursday 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM [student has option of taking the classes in class or in distance, but the hands-on practices has to be performed under instruction of instructor(s)]

Grading System
Students receive scores on tests administered through the course Performance is expressed on Grade Point.
Program Starting and Ending Date

The program begins the very first schooling day (first Monday of each month) and ends on the day when the students complete 507 hours.
Makeup Work Policy
After returning from an absence, all missed lessons and assignments must be made up within five working days.
Attendance during in-person class
Timecard entries are required at the beginning of each class day, before and after each break, and before leaving at the end of the day. Students will not receive credits for hours if not documented by time cards.
Graduation Requirements
Each student who successfully completes the course will be awarded a diploma and transcript.
Covid-19 Application of
Tuition Decrease
The Rainier Massage Academy is offering a tuition reduction in light of this pandemic. We genuinely know you indeed deserve a deductible to cover tuition right now due to the current state of our finances. Grab this opportunity by writing down your situation to the school.
Please contact the second school director (Christina Wang) @206 331-7675

Rainier Massage Academy (RMA) aims to prepare students by offering them informative and quality training programs that will flourish, cultivate and master their skills for their future careers in the massage industry.
Train each student to achieve excellence in applying the principles and practices of all phases of massage therapy.
We provide training in theories, manipulations and treatments, experiences, and motivations for each student's career.
This training practices students for licensing in the profession of massage therapy. The business practice of courses brings students into a high standard of professional massage practitioners. RMA leads the students to a moral and ethical level.
Our curriculum is continuously updated to reflect the most current practices, requirements, and technology in the industry. We are following up on the needs of the Department Of Health and Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board in Washington State.

Our Testimonials

We are available!
Call us to discuss admission