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Class Schedule

The School is open as per the given time:

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Monday to Thursday 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

 Students can take classes either in an actual class or in the distance, but the hands-on practices have to be performed under the instruction of instructor/s. Students are given a half-hour break each day. When students take the approved distance education, they must contact the instructors closely. Submitting homework and raising questions are compulsory so that students can get the credit of hours; however, breaks are non-creditable hours of attendance during the regular schooling class)

Holidays – New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Program Starting and Ending Date

The program begins on the first schooling day, which is the first Monday of each month, and ends when the students complete 632 hours. This requires a student to realize that completing the 632 training hours is the priority and the 24 weeks of training frame would be consequently expanded or delayed. The absences or closure of the academy due to special events or unexpected situations, e.g., COVID-19 Pandemic, may result in the same consequence. This means that the ending date would be put off with the corresponding days. Please note that the school may use the method of online or distance education to proceed with the curriculum during the events mentioned. If a student doesn’t like the updated learning mode, they may request a refund by the table of refunds. On the other hand, if a student chooses to participate in online learning, those study hours would be credited in progress.

Students receive scores on tests administered through the course. Performance is expressed on Grade Point Average (GPA) based on the following scale.


   A. 90-100 Superior

   B. 80-89 Above Average

   C. 70-79 Average

   D. 60-69 Below Average

   E.  Below 60 Failing


A grade average of 70 ( C ) or higher must be achieved in each training phase before progressing to the next stage.


Makeup Work

Lessons and assignments missed due to absences must be made up within five business days of returning to school. Students should meet with their instructors to get missed assignments. Students may make up for the missed courses during the available distance education by reviewing the online classes published by the academy. Still, the students have to declare ahead of time.


Attendance during in-person class

Timecard entries are required at the beginning of each class day, before and after each break, and before leaving at the end of the day. Students will not receive credits for hours if not documented by time cards. They must call the school before the beginning of classes to be excused for tardiness or emergency. Not calling ahead of time will result in an unexcused absence.

Students who wish to receive hours credit must be present in class before roll call, with theory books, notebooks, pencils, and pens.

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A diploma and transcript will be awarded to each student who has:


1. Completed the required course hours


2. Achieved at least the minimum    competency rating


3. Passed the final written and practical examinations


4. Met all financial obligations to the school


Note: Diplomas or transcripts will not be released to students who are not in good financial standing.

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